“…Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet…no, we’re not talking about a rainbow, but rather just some of the 400 different shades of crayon colors Crayola has produced since 1903! What a perfect opportunity to celebrate its bright and colorful addition to the world with Crayola Crayon Day!
Crayola began its life as a company when cousins Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith took over a pigment business in 1885 that Edwin’s father owned. Since then, they have produced a core set of 120 crayon colors; but they have also come out with many unique sets; including metallic colored crayons, gem tones colors, and even scented ones.”
via Days of the Year
We’ve turned photos of some recent projects into coloring pages – click to save the full-size version of each, grab your Crayolas, let your creativity flow, and unwind!
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