9 Ways to Dig Your Way into a Gorgeous Fall!
We are still in the middle of some extremely hot weather, but with school starting soon and football season around the corner, August often seems to fly by. Southern Scape Landscaping is encouraging everyone to start planning for those September landscape projects in North Alabama. Fall will be here before we know it, and after this hot summer, it can’t get here soon enough and it is best to be prepared.
Landscape and Garden Planning for September in Alabama
- Shrubs—Study your landscape to determine plant needs. Check early varieties of camellias. You may want to replace those damaged in spring by late freezes. After fall growth is completed, spray all shrubs with a fungicide.
- Lawns—Plant seed of winter grasses where situation prevents planting permanent grasses. Winter seeds will appear soon. Stop fertilization three weeks before frost.
- Roses—Protect fall crops blossoms from aphids and thrips. Always take measures to keep plants healthy.
- Annuals and Perennials—This is your last chance for planting perennials and biennials. Old clumps of perennials may be divided. Plant peonies.
- Bulbs—Spring-flowering bulbs may be planted in late September in North Alabama.
- Miscellaneous—Clean up infestations of insects on azaleas, camellias, boxwoods, gardenias, hollies, etc. If oil spray is needed, don’t use in freezing weather. Build compost bin or box; leaves will be falling soon. Move houseplants indoors.
- Vegetable Seed—Plant hardy vegetables and root crops.
- Vegetable Plants—Plant cabbage, collards, cauliflower, celery, Brussels sprouts, and onion sets.
- Fruits and Nuts—Start plans for future selection and plantings. Take soil test for new planting areas. Fertilize established strawberry plantings.
Southern Scape is here to help with all of your Huntsville landscaping needs!
Alabama, annuals, aphids, autumn, azaleas, boxwoods, bulbs, camellias, composting, fall, fertilization, garden planning, gardenias, hollies, lawns, perennials, plant seeds, root crops, roses, September, shrubs, vegetables, winter grasses